Green Thumb

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dear Olive,

I have a confession. I kill plants. Not intentionally, but more than a few of our green friends have met with unfortunate, untimely ends in my care. Recently, Dadda required for a commercial he was working on, a couple of potted plants that looked as though they were dead and being thrown out with the rubbish - he didn't have to go far to find them, he simply came into our backyard and took his pick of ours. Off the same job, Dadda brought home a few baby herbs and potting mix. We planted, we watered, we loved. And guess what - they grew!


Notes from Holly St. said...

i don't have a green thumb either but there's something so fun and gratifying about being able to grow your own herbs...hope yours continues to thrive!

Melanie Waugh said...

Great News!

Mia said...

I share a similar black thumb. It's very sad....

Anonymous said...

Wonders will never cease! My thumb is like a mood ring; sometimes good green sometimes bad black.


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