Ironing Out The Kinks

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dear Olive,

I'm going through life right now with an indecent measure of nervous anxiety as my constant companion. It's all happening so fast. More days of work, nanny interviews, booking babysitting days with my sister and friends, arranging cars, extra cooking and much, much planning and juggling .... aaahh. Trusting that I'll be able to find the right balance between working for me and working for you. Hoping that it all gets easier as we go along.


Alex Sunday said...

hehe, what a cute little bottom. lovely photo. :)

Mia said...

So cute in the bike basket!!

The Franglaise said...

for knowing that feeling all too well, here's sending you heaps of positive vibes all the way from Parigi. it's not at all easy to go back to work. having to always be so organised is tiring, hence some weeks are totally overwhelming. but you will manage. it does get easier as you go along. and it feels good to be working again. bon courage beauté! xxx ps: cutest photos eva! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What a cuteheart! I feel you on this one - such a hard balance right to get just right. Fingers crossed you get it just perfect.

Madeleine said...

Ahh the juggle.. boy do I know all about this. And this year is particular hard to get into so am feeling more than a little left behind. And it's already february! Wha?!
Anyway, good luck, I'll be thinking and crossing fingers for you but you have to promise you'll be doing the same for me :)
Ps. cute bum x

Jgee said...

Here, here I am totally on the same page right now. Man, this Mama-worker stuff is a tough gig. I hope all the kinks are ironed out soon x

amanda evans said...

my phone has died
am so lost without it!
i wanted to call and see how the babysitting quest is going...
love the pic of olive in the basket..
can u measure her sandals...
i bought her a pair but they 4E and im not sure what that means
winter loves all her hand me downs..mainly the floral hat
was going to send most of it back with the sandals..



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