
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear Olive,
I was lucky enough to have Monday off and as I was feeding you before your morning nap, I picked up one of your teddies and told him about the fun morning we'd had. How we'd caught the bus, where we went, who we met, what we had for lunch. As I walked out of the room I heard you saying this to your cat teddy ... "Hi Cat. Bus. Two bus! Library. Amelia, Clover. Books! Cafe. Sosso roll!" The entire morning, word for word, in nouns. You're going to kill me with your cuteness one of these days, I tell you. 
I took this photo at 6.30 this morning. Don't let that innocent fact fool you. It was taken just before you tore my office to shreds.


Sal {Daniel and I} said...

Aw so cute! My nephew is just starting to put some words together -- so exciting for him to communicate with language as we can see he is just bursting to tell us everything!

Sal x


fast times in münchen. said...

Ha! Not if she kills me first. Think of all those cute conversations you to come. xx

fast times in münchen. said...

you HAVE to come!

Francesca said...

i had the best chat with gus about the beach and the starfish we made in the sand. he repeated it over and over. so bloody cute, i can't handle it sometimes! x

one claire day said...

Cutie pie! It must be amazing to watch her learn to communicate vocally...
my sister is 21 and she still speaks like this, only she favours adjectives. If she's hot she simply blurts "Hot". If she's hungry, it's just "Hungry"... "Bored" "Fat" "Tired" and so on... it's a very efficient way of communicating! xx

Mia said...

That is so precious.

The Franglaise said...

I totally hear ya. The talking phase is so precious. And Olive is so cute in this photo. She looks like your little personal assistant! ;)

one claire day said...

Hey Kel, I haven't read Buddhism for Mothers... but it sounds like something I'd be interested in reading - in fact I think I may have heard this book recommended somewhere else before too.... must be a goodie xx

Lizeylou said...

She is just delicious!

Small Catalogue said...

Who needs verbs when you are that cute?!

Jodi said...

the morning in nouns - love it and love your recollections of time with olive. she'll cherish these letters when she's grown. so special x

Nell said...

So freakin adorable. Seriously. xx

Unknown said...

i am loving your blog concept. so adorable in this photo! xo m.


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